Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1/23, A Day Without a Gilchrist is like a Day Without Sun (As told by Shamu)

At 9:00 a.m. we had close to 16 guys but by the start of the game we had more than 22. That is a good thing because I am not sure we would know what to do with all the extra space. Doug was in the White goal and Steve in the Blue goal. As promised, Keeble did wear shorts “como un hombre.” However, his “let’s get physical” leggings, er… socks, were pulled up over his knee to avert the cold. Well, it couldn’t have been that cold because Scott Rosner showed up. He only plays if the temperature is over 45 degrees. Apparently, he freezes up like the Tin Man in need oil below 45 degrees.

The scoring –

Mark Miller to Shamu – White 1-0
Mike to the cross bar and the rebound…Shamu – White 2-0
Somebody on blue scored
George to Shamu –

Now, here is where is got fuzzy –

Jeff had a least two for blue with one assist coming from Mainer
Bagel Joe had about 3 for White
Maybe Miller to Rosner who fakes it and lets it go through his legs to Shamu for a white goal
Eric F. had a header from Jeff  for blue
George switched teams – header from a corner for blue
It is quite possible that Snarky Mark had a goal.
Vince takes a shot and hits Doug smack in the face. (Doug sits out for a few minutes)
Snarky Mark takes the net.
A blistering shot from vince – blue goal
Doug comes back to the net.
Ben for white
Rosner ends the game with a goal which was momentarily contested before blue surrendered.

Although Keeble promised “a master class in the art of goal scoring,” it appears that eating a pound of bacon each morning while in England slowed the great #6 down sufficiently so that there was no teachable moment. I think the lesson to be learned is bacon in that quantity has a profound effect on goal scoring. Doug did keep his promise to shut down Keeble’s toe.

I apologize for any of the goals that I missed reporting. I look forward to the return of resident scribe, John “the 10:15” Gilchist. So, for complete accuracy, the score was Shamu 4 and Keeble 0.

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