Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday July 1

Hot and sunny at game time.  We're in the middle of the second big heat wave of the summer, not really perfect soccer weather but eventually 26 guys showed up.  Guests Aikaz, Steve, Adrian and our old buddy Ed showed up.  Doug in the white net, Keith in the blue for most of the game, but Eric sat in towards the end and played some inspired keeper.

Jeff for blue, 1-0
Lightspeed Joe, from Jeff, 2-0
Imad for white, 2-1
Shamu from Imad, 2-2
Keebs taps one in after Adrian hit the post, for white, 2-3
Imad again, but I think he was offsides, 2-4
Aikaz for white, 3-4
Jamal for white, 3-5
Imad, 3-6

Two water breaks and it was still pretty tough going in the heat.  I forgot to mention last week that Jordan has announced his retirement from soccer, something about a torn ACL and meniscus.  It's too bad, he was really at the top of his game.

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