Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday September 2, Labor Day Weekend

70 and overcast but very muggy, thanks to Hurricane Isaac somewhere off in the midwest.  We started with somewhat short sides but soon got up to 11 v 11, Doug in the white net, Steve in the blue.

Willy for white, 1-0
Jay to Shamu, 2-0
Mu, 3-0
Jay, 4-0, after a cluster f in front of the goal
Jelly for white, finally, 4-1 real nice turn around right in front of the goal
Vince for white, 5-1
Mu, 6-1
Minor drills one that skims off Keebs, but I give the score to Minor, for blue, 6-2
Mu, 7-2
Mu, 8-2
Mu, 9-2
Minor, 9-3
Jelly from Keebs, 9-4
Aikaz from the top of the key, through a crowd, 10-4
Dave to Vince with a beatiful cross and nice header in, 11-4
Mario, 12-4
Minor to Jeff, 12-5
Jelly, 12-6

But as usual, just as the blues start to get some momentum, white leaves the court.  I count 6 for Shamu and he played defense for most of the second half.  A Keeblesque performance indeed.  There seems to be enough interest in a game tomorrow.  If anybody would like to e mail me the results, I will post them here.  Same goes for next week, I'll be away.

And Bobby, take a break and get better, we'll manage for a couple of weeks without you.

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