7:48 Keeble for white, 1-0
7:49 Steve P for white, 2-0
7:55 Marlen for blue, 2-1
8:12 Kevin for blue, 2-2
8:22 Marlen to Chompan, 2-3
8:32 Keeble on an open net, 3-3
8:55 Steve P booms one in, 4-3
8:58 Teddie pops one in from outside the box for white, 5-3
9:18 Jeff to Chompan, 5-4
9:24 Jeff loops one to head of Chompan, 5-5
9:33 George for blue, 5-6
and that was it, No pressure to get off the field but guys don't seem to want to continue. Rich had a good game today, Bobby as always and Chompan the chop man with a hat trick! See you next week at 7:30.