Thursday, July 30, 2009


Jerry the "garbage man" on his day job

Jerry's profile photo

It could be hot, it could be stormy. But the soccer is going to be sizzling. Despite the lack of a blog posting (Keeble - "not guilty, your honor") it sounds like Jerry is now a marked man. But I can promise you this - the Red team will win this Sunday, behind the goalscoring prowess of Keeble. That's a guarantee. You want to win, wear red. Or you'll be wearing a red face at 11 o'clock.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Due to an absence completely unrelated to the recent arrests for corruption, illegal organ sales and money laundering across New Jersey, Keeble will be unavailable for selection this Sunday.

While the rest of WSS's elite play, #6 will be in an executive box watching AC Milan v Inter Milan in Boston, drinking champagne and dipping whole Cornish game hen into caviar like normal people would dip a skanky chicken wing from Hooters into a suspicious blue cheese dip. But again, this extravagance is in no way related to the unpleasantness which Keeble was definitely not involved in and you can't say he "got away with" anything, because he's innocent until proven guilty.

ANYWAY if one of the blog's other scribes would like to take on a post-match report, please feel free. Reading it will almost be as good as being there.

And if the Feds stop by, nobody knows nothin'. Capiche?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


It's pure coincidence the blog updates return in the wake of Keeble finding the back of the granny's hair net four times. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

From the offset, this was a great game. Conditions were perfect, if a little warm, and right off the bat the Blues spent the first 10 minutes camped out in the Red goal mouth, passing and probing but not finding a cutting edge. Carlos took it upon himself to rifle one in and the Blues took a lead... but not for long.

The Reds kept on their fast break offense with Jon B, Scott R and Moe linking up down the right, Mario down the left, and Keeble (tightly marked by Marilyn in her first return to action in far too long) in his traditional spot on the last defender's shoulder. Moe took a corner, Keeble looped up a header and Steve in the Blue goal spilled it in to level things up.

The game swung back and forth, and when Dan, Mike and Dave showed up it only added more quality. Moe, Dan, Scott R and Mario all added fine goals for the Reds with Keeble scoring three more tap-ins after good work from far more skilled players. Even Ed, playing with his right wrist in a cast from a biking accident* grew in confidence and could have had a goal with a good long range strike.

The Blues kept things close until the death with Carlos, Doug, Joe and Other Dan causing the Red backline all kinds of problems. Kevin's booming goal kicks added another welcome dimension to the Red offense as the Red's pulled away to win by two at the final whistle (which came 10 minutes early, due to player exhaustion.)

FINAL SCORE: Red 7 Blue 5

MAN-OF-THE-MATCH: Ed (Red) for still playing with such vision even with his arm in a cast.

* I believe him. If some of the other guys had wrist injuries, I would suspect other reasons.